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Case Results & News
When problems arise:
(keep in mind)
Common Mistakes
#1 Dealing directly with Licensure Board
#2 Believing you will be treated fairly
#3 Speaking with Board Investigator
Legal Representation
• Received a letter of investigation?
• Disciplinary issues?
• Charged with a crime?
You spent your livelihood protecting the lives of others and that is why The Law Firm of Yong J. An fights aggressively to protect your nursing license against Texas Board of Nursing. If you have had the unfortunate event of being contacted by the Texas Board of Nursing in regards to a complaint, it is important to clearly understand your rights and be prepared to protect your nursing license. Attorney Yong J. An as fearlessly represented nurses all over the State of Texas protect their nursing license. The reason that your license is in jeopardy is not as important as knowing the right procedures and protocols to best protect your nursing license. It is recommended to consult with a knowledgeable nursing law attorney who has years of experience handling these types of cases.
To learn more about how Yong can help you with your case, or to learn more about the case results that Yong has gotten for his nursing clients throughout the years, contact attorney Yong directly at (832) 428-5679 (call or text 24/7, including evenings, nights and weekends).
Everyday, nurses all over the state of Texas dedicate themselves to helping others and saving lives. Unexpected situations can come up which may threaten your nursing license or prevent you from doing your job. This can be a very stressful and painful time for nurses; at the Law firm of Yong J. An, we have years of experience providing confidential and compassionate nursing license defense services for nurses all over Texas, including Houston, Dallas/Ft. Worth, San Antonio and Corpus Christi.
Remember: Don't be afraid; do not agree to sign a proposed agreed order before consulting an attorney; and do not go to informal hearings without an attorney.
The disciplinary process for nurses in Texas may begin with a letter of self-report or may be initiated at the request of a patient, supervisor or coworker. Alternatively, an employer may request an investigation into nurse misconduct based upon other circumstances, such as obvious impairment or criminal charges.
A streaming video,Board of Nursing Complaint Process: Investigation to Resolution, has been developed by the National Council State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) 2010 Disciplinary Resource Committee and produced by NCSBN. The video is intended for nurses facing disciplinary action and provides a high level overview on the topics:
Once a complaint is filed with a board of nursing, the boards have a complaint process that they follow from review to resolution. This process is summarized in the NCSBN video Board of Nursing Complaint Process: Investigation to Resolution. This video was developed by the NCSBN 2010 Disciplinary Resource Committee and produced by NCSBN.
For a confidential consultation, contact the law office of
Yong J. An at 281-984-5050.
Copyright © 2011 Yong J. An, Criminal Defense Law
Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.
Site Design: Isaiah W. Heyer